Warcraft II Codes Codes Action every little thing she does Makes magic renew right away and gives all spells!. tigerlily enables level skip (see below). orc #, human # level skip need above first! (example: orc 12 takes you to level 12 of Orcs). unite the clans victory sequence. you pitiful worm loss instead of victory. never a winner lets you continue playing after you've achieved the objective axe and saw should also work like hatchet. deck me out upgrade all. Glittering Prizes lot's of gold, lumber and oil! It is a good day to die invincibility spell. On Screen this will shows the map without the fog on the mini-map ucla Go Bruins. noglues disable magical traps. valdez gain 5000 oil. there can be only one end the game quickly. showpath shows you the map. Make it so Builds fast. hatchet Allows a peasant to take less whacks at trees. Allowsync Allows you to surrender during multiplayer games. Title enables or disables the cheat codes. magic gives you all the magic spells Fastdemo Makes Warcraft II demo fight scenes between games pop up fast. Spycob Oil Netprof Makes a lazer show in the background. Day Message: "Sorry, forgot it =/"